Monday, 12 October 2009

Happy B’day

It’s now 6.30 in the morning in Sweden and I’m waiting for it to be a reasonable hour before I call my mum and sing Happy B’day to her. This is one of the many things that one must consider and pre-plan when you live in different time zones.
And phone calls are one of the hardest things to fit in when you live 9 hours apart. This means that I mainly talk to my family on Sunday nights. Which is great and sad at the same time. Just the time when I am at my most tired and most Sunday night moody I talk to them. I’m never as happy then as I might be on a Friday morning. So I guess they get a skewed view on how I like my life. It is unfair to this country and to this experience. Things in life are always harder and moodier on a Sunday night then on any other night of the week.

I think Skype is probably a life saver for long distance family calls. As it is free it means that you don’t have to rush through what you were going to say and there is time to show the new things you bought at IKEA. (Oven gloves, very nice ones as
I accidently put fire to the old ones. I’m not kidding. We have a gas hob and all our pots have metal handles and I was taking a pot of the stove and didn’t realise my oven glove was on fire until the fire alarm went. One problem with having a very high pain threshold is that you don’t really feel when your hands are on fire)

Other things that needs to be pre-planned is birthday cards. I’ve never been good at sending cards or I have never been good at sending cards on time.

However in London I would always blame it on the Royal Mail. Here however the Australia post is a very efficient postal company so the fact that things are never delivered on time is that I most likely post the card on the birthday or a couple of days later.

So happy Birthday Mum, the reason your card is late is that I didn’t post it until today. I’m very sorry about that. I will get better.

Better and stronger than ever before


  1. Hej
    Det är nog sant att din söndagströtthet färgar av sig på oss, och vi tror lätt att du inte trivs i Australien. Härligt att höra att de har ett bra postväsende, så blir pappa nöjd i alla fall.
    Kram K

  2. Hej min skatt tack för gratulationerna, det är härligt att veta att jag finns i ditt medvetande som du finns i mitt. Födelsedagen blev konstig eftersom jag var i Bryssel, men vi firade den 10 på lördagen och det var väldigt trevligt med barn och barnbarn, syskon och föräldrar. Saknar dig extra mycket när det är familjegrejjer och hoppas att vi ses snart. Är livrädd för julen...kramar
