Friday, 9 October 2009

Friday night, dance, I like the way you move..

As you know A works very strange hours as. He works from 4 pm at in the afternoon to 5.30 in the morning Australian time. He works from home which is great as otherwise I would never get to see him, but this also means that during the week he is not able to do much at night. No mid week movie dates or going out for dinner or hanging out with people.

During the week this is a problem as one very rarely actually goes on mid week movie dates or dinner or hangs out with people, the only day that it is a bit sad is Fridays. Friday nights are not his night to go out. Which is unfair as everyone should be allowed out on Fridays. What is the point of Fridays if you can’t go out and do something fun and exciting?

I feel sad for him as if he was going to go out for a drink after work he would have to find someone who is up for it at 6 am and the people still out at 6 am are not normally in a state that makes them good entertainment and it would really screw up our swimming at 8 am on Saturdays.

Everyone who has watched “Almanackan” knows that sitting in a boat in water after having had a few drinks means you will wear very strange stripy clothing and fall over in the water and totally forget how to swim. So no drinking for him at 6 am, I don’t think they allow boats in our local pool you see and he is a very good swimmer however he is quite partial to stripy clothing.


  1. Hmm... det är svårt att komma på några aktiviteter som man kan utföra tidigt på morgonen på lördagen, som innefattar alkohol.
    Det enda jag kan komma på som fungerar oavsett om man är full eller nykter, är att sova. Vad sägs om det? Det fungerar även i randig klädsel (se: pyjamas).
    Men det räknas ju inte som motion direkt.

    Kram K

  2. Ni kanske kan se till att alla andra vänder lite på sina fredagsplaner, så att ALLA går ut klockan sex på morgonen och tar en bira. Dansar medan solen går upp. Kom igen syrror, jag vet att ni båda vart med om detta fenomen. Att det är ljusare när man kommer hem än när man gick ut. Så det är ju bara att planera att det blir så.
    Kanske skull han kunna jobba mindre? nä, det går kanske inte. Hoppas ni hittar nån rätsida på det iaf.
