Friday 28 May 2010

Happy Australia-versary

Today it's exactly one year since we arrived in Australia. One year, it has gone really fast as it always does.

There are a lot of things that have been better then expected this year. There are also a few things that has been harder then I expected.

I found that fitting in has been harder, I found that people are much more offended by swearing then in London. I have a terrible habit of swearing and it seems to equally offend and amuse people. A little like swearing kids are funny, but not something that one should encourage.

I found finding a job unsettling, but that has so far led to a much better place then I thought would have been possible. More stress full, but better.

I found that making friends when you are older is harder. We have been lucky that Mr T had some friends from before or we would have been very lonely. Especially since our life in London was so very friends involved.

I have found that where I live affects me more that I thought. The general feeling here is more positive, people seem more positive, being outside is not just possible it's actively encouraged. I don't "concrete" so much.

The things here that I do daily that really adds happiness to my life is:

The coffee is really great - I love coffee, can't drink much off it. So i try to get the best cup for the single cup I can drink a day.

I eat a lot fruit, I really like fruit. The quality of the fruit in Australia surpasses any fruit I've had anywhere else. Also they tend to do fruit in seasons, so you can't eat out of season crap fruit.

I live really conveniently located, from the shops, from work, from beaches. It's not the most charming flat. Our last flat in London was much more beautiful but It's more convenient.

I believe the things that we do everyday affect us more then we think. I would do 35 minute commute every day in London, on a over crowded train where I often had to stand with my face in someones armpit. Here it's a 20 min buss ride, or a 45 min walk. That makes my life a little better every day.

So all in all, an eventfull year, a truly eventfull year.


  1. It sounds like you've had a great year!

    About the fruit and being outside all the time, I envy you! And the 45 minute walk to work sounds awsome, although Stockholm is SO much smaller, it takes me 45 mintes to come to work in the morning.

    Making friends has been hard since you left high school I think, when you're forced to connect with the same 30 people you meet every day for three years. After that, you get socially lazy I think.

    Puss din lilla groda!

  2. You are doing so well Maria and really embracing all that your new life can offer you! And we love having you here. Happy 1 year Australia-versary!

  3. Grattis på ettårsdagen Maria, du är modig som vågar göra andra saker och prova på nytt. Jag hoppas förstås att du kommer hem nån gång för det är fasligt långt till Australien. Men nu kommer vi!! I oktober får du chansne att visa upp ditt nya liv och vi längtar efter dig så det är inte klokt!!I hope you will celebrate your first year Maria.

  4. 1 år - ett liv... en sak i taget. Det är svårt skaffa nya vänner, men det går. I värsta fall får du väl göra som alla expats, dvs, träffa andra expats...

    Vi planerar fortfarande att komma och hälsa på, men tiden är fortfarande obestämd, men det är nog 2 år bort. Den som väntar på något gott...

    Första året avklarat, det gick väl trots allt rätt bra, då gäller det bara att göra nästa ännu bättre!

    Kram från hela fam Järpling!

  5. Härligt att höra att du trivs bra i Australien, och att det går så bra för dig!
    Vi saknar dig ig här, men vi är glada för att du trivs i ditt nya land.

    Det är sant dom de säger -
    det är vad man gör som spelar roll, och inte vad man har.
    Tänk att en så simpel sak som att äta en god frukost och ta en trevlig promenad till jobbet, gör att livet känns bättre
    Kram Katarina
