I just want to say first of all that I read all comments and I love them. So please keep commenting.
My sister explained in the comments what the rope is for and why you need to have it in your car. The rope is for being able to help to tow another car or to tie down things in the car, like if you buy something really big and can't close the boot.
That is also the reason why you need to have two types of rope, as you should use a cotton fibre rope as it is less likely to scratch the paint but if it's raining the rope gets wet and it's very hard to untie any knots that you tied. Therefore you also need a plastic rope.
I have also been further informed that you need a blanket, rags and a good knife as even the most precious rope sometimes must be cut off.
So that is next on the list from bunnings.
Except for thinking about all the exiting things I will have in the car I have also been listing some new jewellery in my web shop and now I'm gonna go off and practice reticulation. Which is just a fancy word for heating things until they almost melts and dropping them in acid. I do this cause it's fun and way safer then the streets of South East Sydney.
Lilla moln-ringen is so nice. Loves it.
ReplyDeleteI wonder how you can have so much energy all the time. Or at least it sounds like you always have new ideas and projects. I don't get how you find the time! I'm really impressed.
When do you have vacation in Australia? miss u!
ReplyDeletejag har några fler tipps på bra saker att ha i bilen.
Ett par solglasögon - lägg ditt gamla par i bilen.
En penna
En liten ficklampa
hushållspapper och små plastpåsar.
Jag håller med om att Maria har mycket energi, man blir ju avundsjuk! Jag tror att Maria föddes med mycket energi, jag kan inte minnas att det har varit på något annat sätt. och när jag tänker på hennes energi så ser jag det som en brandspruta, med ett enormt tryck. Och det gäller liksom att hon riktar den åt rätt håll, så att man inte råkar stå ivägen.
It is really intresting to see that al my daughters are very intrested in how to equip a car properly. Where is our son and brother?
ReplyDeleteI hope that he will take his drivinglicense asap. But I am afraid that he will never be that "ropeintrested"
Energi och Maria är ett, så har det alltid varit. Det är så roligt att man egentligen behåller nästan allt från det man var barn när man sen blir vuxen. Maria med sin energi, Lovisa med sin energi och Katarina med sin. Sen har vi ju alla olika perioder i livet när energin riktas åt annat, men energi kära barn har ni alla haft alltid. Martin, jag vet inte om Jonathan har gått i Martins Car School tillräckligt helt enkelt.