Monday, 12 July 2010

Free for all

Today when I was on my way home on the buss the charging machine was broken so the trip was free. The old lady who was sitting in the seat behind the driver was so exited about these news that she progressed to point out to every single passenger that stepped on the buss from then onwards that "it's free, isn't that great, I think it amazing".

She did that for all aprox 40 passengers that came on to the buss on the way home.

I wish I could get that exited about getting a 1.60 dollar fare for free.

Winter is a downer. I think gettting that exited over small things, It must be the best life skill ever.

I'm now going to passively go and watch sit coms on TV to cheer me up.


  1. It sounds like the joy of getting things for free has travelled way over the swedish borders, tjoho!

  2. Hello. The best things in life are free, don't they say. And everyone loves a bargain. My commute in to work this morning was interesting. The jubilee line was down (passenger taken ill) and I ended up taking the new East London line to Whitechapel. It was like I was in a different world - big, clean carriages. I love the East london line!
    Will also send you an email in a minute.
    Monica x

  3. hey lovely - just wanted to pop you a quick message to say hope all is well in oz - miss you loads and look after yourself. And monica is SUPER excited about new york :-) Vix xx

  4. Hej Gumman. Now its our turn to talk wether with you. Today it way over 30 and we just love it. In MY way from work yesterday I stopped at Tantobadet on Söder and jumped into Årstaviken. The water was approx 23 and the sun was shining like...! In the evening I biked down to Söder and had a cold marinated beltic herring sandwhich and a glas of wine. Life is so god in Stockholm when the sun is shining!!!

  5. Hej gumman bra tänkt!! Vädret i Bohuslän är inte lika bra som hemma men jag försöker att inte deppa ihop utan njuta av havskajak havskräftor och släta stenar. Saknar dig oerhört!!
